Why Have My Child Support Payments Stopped?

The financial implications of a divorce can be stressful. If there are children, the custodial parent will often be awarded child support payments. When they are, it is common for those parents to rely on payments. The regular payments become part of their standard household budget and are needed in order for them to make rent or mortgage payments, pay utility bills, and more.
If you are frustrated because child support payments stopped or have not been being paid in full each month, connect with a seasoned Atlanta divorce attorney to explore your options. Your ex-spouse is legally obligated to follow through on court-mandated child support payments. Part of the process could be determining why the support payments have changed. Then, solutions can be explored.
Job Loss Could Be an Issue
Often the reason why a parent stops payments or pays too little is because they simply can’t afford the child support payments, either because of job loss or another income issue. In these situations, a modification may be necessary. It makes sense that you would not want to receive a smaller amount, but consistency could be found through the modification process.
(This needs to be revised in my opinion. Modification is absolutely something that can be done, but the way this paragraph reads to me is that you are saying that the parent who receives the child support payments should seek to modify the payments. However, it is on the parent paying support to seek a downward modification if they are unable to meet their support obligation which if granted could result in a reduction in the support payment.)
Disagreements About How Money Is Spent
It is important to know that an ex-spouse who is sending you child support does not have a say in how that money is being spent. Sometimes a non-custodial parent believes funds are being misspent and then withholds funds. This is not legal. It is up to the custodial parent to determine how to spend funds. After all, the amount of child support awarded is connected to the monthly income of each parent. While there may be add-ons for education expenses and extracurricular activities, it is up to the parent receiving the funds to decide how to use them as part of their overall household income.
When Spite Plays a Role
Ending a marriage is extremely emotional and there are, unfortunately, times when people make poor decisions due to an emotional reaction. If your ex-spouse is hurt about an aspect of your co-parenting situation, they may make an illegal choice to stop or adjust support payments without court authorization. There have been times when a parent has chosen to do this because they are upset about some of the aspects of a parenting plan, for example. Proper channels have to be explored to make any changes in child support payments.
You have a right to the payments you were awarded when your divorce was finalized. If you need help moving forward with legal action, connect with an Atlanta divorce attorney.
Have you received child support payments in the past but they have recently stopped? If you are seeking advice on how to secure the funds you need to move forward, talk to a lawyer. The qualified attorneys at The Solomon Firm have the knowledge and resources you need to create the future you desire for yourself and your children. There are options and with an Atlanta legal professional on your side, you can achieve the life you want. Contact us to schedule an appointment.