Steps Before You Ask For A Divorce

Statistics show that almost 800,000 marriages end in divorce each year, but that does not make it less stressful or overwhelming. During the time leading up to divorce can be important and impact the entire divorce process. While divorce is never pleasant for any party involved, taking these steps before you ask for a divorce can set the tone for your next steps.
1.Be Absolutely Sure.
Every marriage goes through really hard times, where both parties can be discouraged and frustrated. Two people will never agree on every single point of view in life. Emotions can run high, and oftentimes tempers can flare. These seasons in a marriage can last longer than expected. Before you consider giving divorce papers to your spouse, seriously consider the consequences. Make absolutely sure that this is the decision you want to make. Consider visiting with a pastor or counselor. Once you make the decision to serve divorce papers on your spouse, everything may change. The decision at that point may be truly irreversible given that the other party is angry or hurt that they were served with papers. Make sure you have no regrets and be certain in your decision to obtain a divorce.
2. Consider Your Financial Situation.
Before the divorce process begins, while things are still calm, look at your financial situation. Check all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, safes, retirement accounts and any other assets you may have. One important step is to take pictures of any valuable or sentimental items you may have. If you have separate accounts, consider changing passwords. Creating a spreadsheet now of all your assets and debts can help you prepare both financially and emotionally for the divorce. Understanding your financial situation will help you budget for the divorce, and your life afterward.
3. Consider Your Child Custody Preferences
Obviously, your children are a huge priority and concern as you go through the divorce process. Their custody situation is likely causing you a great deal of stress. Know that in most circumstances, judges will attempt to give some form of joint custody, which they believe to be in the best interest of the child. Consider how you would like to split this time in such a way that it is in the best interest of everyone involved.
4. Living Arrangements
Never leave your marital home unless there is physical or other forms of abuse. Once you leave your marital home, you may have a difficult time regaining it from the court. Remember, if you are in any kind of physical harm or in an abusive situation, please contact law enforcement immediately.
5. Lean On Family and Friends
Creating a strong support network from your family and friends is one of the most important foundational things you can do before you serve divorce papers. Never post anything on social media, instead, make sure you vent your frustrations to your friends and family. Having an emotional support system can help you during this stressful time.
6. Contact an Experienced Divorce Attorney
The most important thank you can do before you serve divorce papers is to contact an experienced Atlanta family attorney. The legal team at The Solomon Firm can help advise you on finances, alimony, child support, child custody and more. Call 404-565-0641 today for a free consultation, and learn your options before the divorce process begins.