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Atlanta Modifications Attorney

Changing Divorce Court Orders

Depending on the circumstances of your divorce, you will come to many specific arrangements and agreements with your soon-to-be-former spouse regarding alimony, property division, and child support and custody if you have children. All these arrangements will be finalized by court orders so they will be followed once the divorce process is complete. Some divorce court orders may be effective for a predetermined amount of time, while some may be effective indefinitely. So, what happens if your situation changes and the court orders that define your family relationships no longer work for you or your family? In those instances, you must seek a modification of the court order by showing your circumstances have significantly changed. We can help you with Atlanta child support & custody modifications at The Solomon Firm in Atlanta.

Child Support Modifications in Georgia

The Georgia Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) provides child support services throughout the state, including the review of child support orders. When you ask DCSS to review your child support order, it will determine whether an Agency Recommendation will be made regarding the amount of current support. Reasons you may seek a child support modification include:

  • Change in your wages
  • At least one of the children in your case turns 18 within 6 months
  • The other parent’s wages changed
  • At least one of the children in your case lives in a different home
  • A health insurance requirement needs to be added to your order
  • You are disabled or imprisoned

Upon review, the child support amount may go up, down, or stay the same, based on the documentation provided. The Solomon Firm can help ensure your request for child support modification is complete, accurate, and thorough, thus improving your chances of obtaining the child support modification you want, or opposing one you don’t.

Child Custody Modifications in Georgia

When reviewing and changing child support amounts, DCSS cannot address visitation and child custody issues. Rather, you must ask the court to modify a custody order based on a significant change in family circumstances that have taken place since the original order. If the change has affected the best interests of the child(ren), a court might find the custody modification is appropriate and necessary. Along with the modification request, you must also submit a new proposed parenting plan. A Georgia court will always consider a custody modification if a custodial parent plans to move to a new residence.

Seek Legal Advice from an Atlanta Child Support & Custody Modification Attorney

If your circumstances have changed since the time of your divorce, we can help you obtain the appropriate support and custody modifications to reflect your current situation. Please contact The Solomon Firm today and speak with an experienced Atlanta child support and custody modification attorney.

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