Monthly Archives: May 2022

Financial Changes After A Divorce
Divorce impacts many areas of a person’s life, including relationships with friends, family bonds, and finances. While you can’t plan for every change, there are steps you can take to fortify your financial future. For example, when you forecast a household budget that will allow you to thrive as a single adult, you can… Read More »

Hiding Georgia Assets And Divorce
Over the course of your marriage, it is possible either you or your spouse was in charge of the family finances, such as paying bills and making retirement planning decisions. While this arrangement can make sense when a marriage is going well, there can be arguments when a marriage is dissolving. After all, one… Read More »

Termination Of Parental Rights
There are two ways a parents’ rights to their children may be terminated permanently: voluntary termination and involuntary termination. While both types occur in different ways, the result in both circumstances is the inability of the parent to see their child again or have any rights or decision-making authority with respect to their children…. Read More »

Online Behavior To Avoid During Your Divorce
If you are in the process of a divorce in the state of Georgia, what you tweet, post, and include in your pictures on social media could be used against you. Research shows that 81% of divorce attorneys were successful in finding evidence worth presenting in court in a divorce proceeding. Evidence of character… Read More »

Does It Matter Where You File For Military Divorce?
The state of Georgia is home to many military and service members who proudly protect and defend our nation. Military life is challenging with constant moves, unpredictable work shifts, and the possibility for deployments. Marriages can be difficult under any circumstances but military marriages face more adversity given their unique situations. If spouses decide… Read More »